Winchester Garden Machinery director, Jason Nettle, says that last year he struggled to run 5 kilometres. Now in 2025 he will embark on a challenge that he says makes his knees rattle more than a well used lawnmower - 12 marathons in 12 months!
Here Jason explains why:
Yes, you’ve read that right.
In the past, I've witnessed the superhuman feats of others, driven by worthy causes. Believe me, I'm no marathon runner. I'm more of a 'enjoy a good Sunday roast' kind of guy. So what could be more ludicrously ambitious than running 26.2 miles every single month for a year? I'm not exactly known for my athletic prowess or renowned for my gazelle-like grace. The thought of running a single marathon is daunting enough, let alone twelve. This, my friends, is not going to be a walk in the park but is in fact, a recipe for spectacular, self-inflicted pain!
The garden machinery industry can be a bit of a rollercoaster. At times the long hours, high pressure and too many coffee fuelled meetings can take their toll. Then out of season, let's not forget the dealer conferences. You know the drill: late nights, enjoying ourselves a little too much, propping up the bar a bit longer than we should and waking up the next morning feeling less than spring-like. Let's be honest, traditionally, we men in the garden machinery industry aren't always the best at looking after ourselves.
This 12-marathon challenge is about more than just running; I’m hoping that it's a wake-up call for all of us. It's time to prioritise our health and well-being. Whether it's trading in some of those late nights for early morning exercise, making healthier food choices or simply scheduling that long-overdue doctor's appointment, let's make a conscious effort to take better care of ourselves.
Service Dealer will be allowing me to share monthly updates on my progress throughout the year. In these updates, I'll touch on various topics related to health and well-being as well as what I've been doing to keep myself on track. If, in the process, I can encourage even just one person to go and get a simple PSA test (a blood test to check for prostate cancer), then I will have achieved something truly worthwhile. Early detection is key, and it's something we men often neglect.
I'm raising money for four incredible charities: Cancer Research UK, Prostate Cancer UK, Naomi House and St. Michael's Hospice. These charities do amazing work both locally and across the UK. I know firsthand how important their work is.
So, how can you help?
This is going to be a tough year but I'm determined to see it through. Hopefully, by the end of it, I'll be fitter, stronger and have made a real difference to the lives of others. Plus, maybe I'll even be able to run up a hill without gasping for air.
Wish me luck!
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