Expert to assist dealers

The latest speaker announcement for November's Service Dealer Conference is Abigail Kimber (pictured above), a client development consultant at Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England.

Abigall says she will be delivering a workshop to help break the stigma on mental health. With the financial impact cited as costing upwards of £33billion per year, she is keen to point out that poor mental health can have a huge impact on a business.

Abigail works with organisations of all sizes, in a wide range of industries, including agriculture, construction and manufacturing. She supports businesses to identify and understand their employee’s mental health needs and create long-lasting solutions.

Focusing on assisting businesses to build and enhance their well-being approaches to create mentally healthier working environments, Abigail helps people to develop the skills to look after their own and others’ well-being. 

"I am dedicated to normalising attitudes and behaviours around mental health in all areas of society," says Abigail.

She now joins the previously announced Sophie Brooks who will be talking about sustainability, branding expert, Daryl Fielding and customer experience specialist, Adrian Swinscoe, who will be sharing their knowledge with our dealer delegates.

Taking place on Thursday 30th November 2023 at the Crowne Plaza, Stratford upon Avon, the theme for this year's event is Taking Care of Business.

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