Garden Trader hits dealer search impression milestone

Last month saw a significant milestone reached for Garden Trader, the website that puts specialist dealers in front of customers at the point of making a purchase decision.

Founder of the site, Duncan Murray-Clarke, who also owns Service Dealer, says that November saw Garden Trader clock up one million dealer search impressions.

When asked what this meant, Duncan said, "This is the amount of times subscribed dealers appear in any of the searches on the site. So this could be through a search for the closest five dealers, or by town or county etc."

Duncan continued by explaining what this exactly means for dealers who are signed up to the site. "It means that the site is working and attracting those people researching a sale online," he said. "It is pushing the concept of paying to get a proper service through our dealer network and then driving the potential customers to their nearest specialists by location.

"Every dealer can login and see for themselves just how effective the site has been for their business this year - and I urge subscribed dealers to do just that. I am also delighted to say that we are keeping the subscription rate the same in 2020 - 26p a day."

The site is now three years old and its owners have once again stated that all revenues will be used to keep promoting the site to customers in 2020.

Following the success of the launch period it has also been announced that the site is planning to launch in the USA next year, under the name

Dealers can register for Garden Trader here.

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